This week, Greg Goodwin of LNS research is counting down the top 5 asset performance trends in the manufacturing sector.
1.) Healthy assets are the foundation to a healthy business
Though it is a market with plenty of room for growth, Asset Performance Management (APM) has matured as an integrated discipline over the years that couples traditional maintenance activities with new technologies likeCloud, IoT, Big Data, and Mobile, which are changing the way businesses look at production assets.
Production assets have broad implications for every area of a business, from quality to worker health, compliance, efficiency, energy intensity, planning & scheduling, and more. It is no longer enough to ensure just that an asset is running, it is now crucial to know that it is running as efficiently as possible, to the specifications it was designed, with as little downtime as possible.
As APM technologies and strategies advance the control and visibility over an enterprise’s production assets, executives will see ROI with increasing frequency, and clarity. Take a brief APM survey from LNS Research to find out much more in the Asset Performance Management Best Practices Guide.
Greg Goodwin for LNS Research