Cleveland — The National Coil Coating Association (NCCA) presented its 2018 Safety Award to Steelscape representatives from the facility in Kalama, WA, at NCCA’s Fall Technical Meeting in Louisville on September 26.
The NCCA Safety Committee selected Steelscape from 37 plants that were considered for the award. The entries were judged on the basis of data reported to OSHA. The Safety Committee interviewed the top three plants and then visited these plants to evaluate their safety programs.
Steelscape Kalama was the first plant to win this award when the program was initiated in 2003 and has received this award eight other times. “They have an unparalleled long-term safety record that provides evidence of the effectiveness of their programs,” said Matt Montgomery, chair of NCCA’s Environmental, Health & Safety Committee.
Steelscape’s safety culture is deeply ingrained in the workforce, and their employee involvement is highly commendable. Steelscape’s upper management continues to strongly support its safety program, and they continue to invest in safety improvements in the plant.