Ultrasonic Label Sensor

The new sensor displays a home screen, quick set, and a scope for confidence in initial setup and worry free performance.


[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"156727","attributes":{"alt":"Ultrasonic Label Sensor","class":"media-image","height":"232","style":"float: right;","title":"Ultrasonic Label Sensor","typeof":"foaf:Image","width":"320"}}]]TRI-TRONICS COMPANY, INC. (Tampa, FL) has introduced the first Ultrasonic Clear Label Sensor with a high performance OLED onboard display. Users are provided with an unprecedented view of the sensor's performance, options, program modes, and instructions. The new sensor displays a home screen, quick set, and a scope for confidence in initial setup and worry free performance. Features include:

  • One button autoset (Gap Set)
  • Available timers and delays
  • Cable and connector versions (M12 and M8)
  • High speed (200 us)
  • Durable, robust housing
  • Compatible with existing mounting configurations

For details, go to www.ttco.com.

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