[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"156668","attributes":{"alt":"Shearing\/Flanging Machine","class":"media-image","height":"232","style":"float: right;","title":"Shearing\/Flanging Machine","typeof":"foaf:Image","width":"320"}}]]COLE-TUVE, Inc. (White Marsh, MD) now supplies a combination shearing/flanging machine, Model EFM, with up to ¼-inch x 118-inch capacity in steel and aluminum, and up to 5/32-inch in stainless steel. The Model EFM is ideal for flat, crowned, round, elliptical, and double “D” heads and bottoms. Some of these models are available for heads without center hole. As optional accessory equipment for the larger flanging machines, dishing machines are available with capacities of 165 to 400 tons; they are available with or without manipulator. Better exchange rates, manufacturing efficiencies, and lower transportation costs make it possible to offer all the machines at affordable prices.
More information can be found at www.coletuve.com.