[[{"fid":"158358","view_mode":"media_original","type":"media","attributes":{"height":232,"width":320,"style":"float: right; margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; border: 1px solid black;","alt":"Conveyor Belt Brush Cleaner","title":"Conveyor Belt Brush Cleaner","class":"media-element file-media-original"}}]]A new powered brush cleaner for conveyor belt applications, a rotating design that removes material accumulation and dust in difficult applications, has been introduced by Martin Engineering (Neponset, IL). Well suited to belts that use raised elements (cleats, chevrons, ribs, or lugs) to assist in carrying material, the Martin® Brush Cleaner is an economical solution that provides high-performance, energy-efficient operation, even in conditions involving sticky materials or stringy fibers, such as coal and biomass, says the company. The 230/460-volt, 3-phase electric motor provides cleaning with minimal power consumption. A 1 HP motor powers the units for 18-42 inch belts, and a 2 HP motor drives the cleaners for 48-96 inch belts.
See more at www.martin-eng.com.