Compact Touchless Angle Sensors Fit Tight Spaces

The components benefit from shaft-free magnetic sensing.

Novotechnik Sized

Novotechnik, U.S. (Southborough, MA) introduces the RFD 4000 Series of angle sensors, designed for applications that have tight space requirements, benefit from shaft-free magnetic sensing or require redundancy. Specifically:

  • The sensor housing is less than 1.6 x 1.1 x 0.3 in.
  • Six measurement ranges available are from 0 to 30° to 0 to 360°.
  • Model options include single channel, partial or full 2-channels sensor redundancy.
  • Independent linearity of the RFD 4000 series is ±0.5% of full scale and repeatability is 0.1°. 
  • Operating temperature range of -40° to +125°C. 
  • The sensors are sealed to IP 67, IP 68 or IP 69 depending on version.
  • Output interface options include 0.25 to 4.75 V DC or 0.5 to 4.5 V DC. RSK-3200 Series sensors are extremely durable with MTTF of over 500 years.

All units meet seven EMC standards for immunity to EMI including ISO 11452 for road vehicles., 508-485-2244

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