Thermocoupling Made Easy

The Thermocouple Mini-Grabbers from Electronic Development Labs (EDL, Danville, VA) provide a continuous thermocouple connection from bare wires to the measuring instrument without the need to attach plugs. The continuous thermocouple material, from trip to mini plug, offers a better and more convenient connection when compared to copper wire, according to the company.

The Thermocouple Mini-Grabbers from Electronic Development Labs (EDL, Danville, VA) provide a continuous thermocouple connection from bare wires to the measuring instrument without the need to attach plugs. The continuous thermocouple material, from trip to mini plug, offers a better and more convenient connection when compared to copper wire, according to the company. The Mini-Grabbers are available in all ASTM base metal thermocouple types. The product is ideal for connecting thermocouple wires inside process connection heads, and helps eliminate multiple cold end junctions.

For more information, visit EDL online at

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