The AbrasiMatic 300 abrasive cutter from Buehler (Lake Bluff, IL) now features the optional X-Bed for increased convenience when sectioning in the x-axis direction. The accompanying digital display tracks x-axis travel, improving precision, consistency, and repeatability in serial (parallel) sectioning applications. The AbrasiMatic 300 is a bench-top cutter featuring a 12-inch abrasive cut-off wheel that can section up to a 4.375” diameter sample. Other features include:
- A 5 hp motor that handles steel, highly-alloyed metals, coated metals, ceramics, concrete, and minerals.
- The ability to easily position/reposition samples without unclamping them from any table or vice.
- Four sectioning options: X-axis serial sectioning, manual “chop“ style cutting; manual longitudinal y-axis cutting; automated longitudinal y-axis cutting.
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