The CleanAC kit, from Controlled Release Technologies, Inc. (CRT; Shelby, NC), is an annual, four-step allocation process that rids HVAC handler units of build-up and accumulation by cleaning, sanitizing, and protecting both the evaporator coil and the condensate pan. By using the CleanAC kit, users can help buildings maintain positive indoor air quality and avoid odor problems originating in the HVAC system. The system comes in four parts, each with its own product: first is the Instant Powder Kegs coil cleaner, which cleans the evaporator coil of deposit buildup. The second step is the application of Fast Attack, which sanitizes the coil while removing algae, bacteria, and mold. Then, the First Strike Micro Coat protects against future buildup. The fourth step is a timed-release strip in the HVAC condensate drip pan that eliminates clogs.
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