Flexaust (Warsaw, IN) Flexadux® T-7 white clean room hose is a medium-weight thermoplastic hose that features a smooth interior to minimize friction loss and promote efficient air flow. Capable of operating over a -40 degree to 250 degree Farenheit temperature range, this flexible hose is reinforced with a spring steel helix and offers excellent chemical-, moisture-, and abrasion-resistance. Manufactured with FDA-acceptable materials, Flexaust Flexadux® T-7 white clean room hose is available in standard 2- to 12-inch I.D. sizes, with wall thickness of .030 inches, and custom sizes to 24 inches I.D.; supplied in 25 and 50 foot lengths. This hose is suitable for food, pharmaceutical, medical, industrial, and laboratory clean room applications.
For more information, go to www.flexaust.com.