[[{"fid":"158611","view_mode":"media_original","type":"media","attributes":{"height":232,"width":320,"style":"float: right;","class":"media-element file-media-original"}}]]Superabrasive (Erie, PA) has introduced the first ever remote controlled LAVINA® 32R-S, it says, with gyroscopic technology and new solutions for grinding and polishing. LAVINA® 32R-S is operated by a wireless remote control and works hands free up to 300 feet away from the remote. A system of continuous checks between the machine and remote ensure than the 32R-S is always operating as intended, the company explains. Superabrasive has also introduced the LAVINA® 13-S edger, with new features that are designed to blend edge work and eliminate unsightly lines. It features a new gage that allows the operator to control the angle of the head up to 4 degrees in each direction, a level that checks the flatness of the floor, and a forward/reverse option.
For additional information, please visit www.niagaramachine.com.