Spectronics Corporation (Westbury, NY) has introduced the Spectroline® OPTI-LUX™ 400—a powerful, rechargeable, violet light LED leak detection flashlight. It’s designed to emit less visible light so industrial fluid leaks are easy to spot by their bright fluorescent glow. The OPTI-LUX 400 features a high-output violet light LED that causes dyes to fluoresce more brilliantly and with greater contrast than with standard blue light inspection lamps. It has power comparable to high-intensity 150-watt lamps and works with Spectroline® OIL-GLO™ 33 (green), OIL-GLO™ 44 (yellow/green), and OIL-GLO™ 50 (red) oil-based dyes, as well as WD-802 (green) water dye. The OPTI-LUX 400 is compact and lightweight, which allows it to get into cramped areas that larger lamps can’t. Its inspection range is up to 25 feet (7.6 m) or more.
For more information, visit www.spectroline.com.