Lifting Points Available in Larger Sizes

They are designed to lift bigger loads with weight load limits up to 30% greater than comparable lifting points.


The Caldwell Group Inc. (Rockford, IL) has expanded its series of RUD ACP-Turnado lifting points by introducing the new Max and Supermax ACP-Turnado models, designed to lift bigger loads with weight load limits (WLL) up to 30% greater than comparable lifting points.

A lifting point connects the lifting gear and the load during lifting, rotation, and overall movement/transport. Lifting points include ring lifting lugs, eyebolts, flanges, etc., to which a sling is attached. With the ACP-Turnado, ACP stands for automatic center point. What that means is that the ACP's lift shackle immediately turns in the load direction automatically when it is lifted, so it cannot remain in an incorrect position. Dangerous transverse loads and a sudden drop of the load are excluded, thanks to a unique spring mechanism.

According to the company, since the ‘smart’ centric lifting point automatically turns into the correct load direction when the load is lifted, the lift bail cannot remain stationary, and a sudden drop of the load is not possible. The innovative spring mechanism is the actual heart of the ACP-Turnado. It provides its unique ‘intelligence’ and makes it a ‘smart’ lifting point.

In addition, all ACP-Turnado lifting points have a universal bolt head with internal and external hexagon, which enables optimum handling. The bolt is captive, but still replaceable, which is useful in many applications.

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